Professional Consultation

Professional support is just one click away (Psychotherapists Only)

Having a sense of community with other healers is vital. This can be done by getting clinical supervision/consultation. I am also available to provide supervision to psychotherapists who are new to clinical practice and consultation to seasoned clinicians who just need the clinical peer support. Consider these services an investment into your professional self care. I would love to discuss how I can help you meet your clinical and professional goals.

I think it is important to mention that I practice and supervise from a psychodynamic lens. This means that I attune and address clinical material as wordless experiences that are not easily named but are felt. Providing an insight oriented approach, I seek to help psychotherapists navigate transference/countertransference responses and reactions, especially with an emphasis on naming and working through these wordless experiences so meaning making can be achieved and modeled for with their clients.

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